I now Release my fear of being condemned for being wrong. (Enneagram Transformations, 32)
I do not require judgment for making mistakes.
Condemnation for imperfection is not something I allow in my life anymore.
I need not live in fear of being wrong.
I do not have to constantly strive to be inhumanly perfect in order to avoid judgement and condemnation…
…by myself or others.
I try hard to do the right thing. I take responsibility for my actions. I try to improve. That is the best a human can do.
It is perfectly acceptable to mess up, trip, fall, make mistakes, start again.
It is essential to make mistakes. It is part of the human process of life and growth.
I am a human being, an evolved animal, one of billions, created by natural selection, a tiny part of a vast universe. There is no absolute good or evil, only life and death and evolving consciousness.
My worth is determined by existence, not by successes and failures.
I am enough. I am a good and worthy person.
I am worthy by existing.
I am safe here and now. I am loved here and now. My life is here and now.
I cultivate this safety by replacing judgement for myself and others with compassion.
So that I and others can release the fear of condemnation for being wrong.