I’m grateful for this blog experience.
It’s taught me many things so far, in just four months. I’ve learned to create a webpage, to connect with social media, to drive traffic. I’ve gotten great feedback and loyal followers (via WordPress, Twitter, and Facebook), and I very much appreciate your comments, encouragement, suggestions, and promotion.
While all this practical experience is exceptional, the biggest gains have been emotional. I’ve faced huge fears in the process of coming out of the forest and letting myself be seen. It’s a new challenge with every post, especially with last week’s posts. Am I willing to be vulnerable and put this out into the world? I can feel my throat tightening even as I type that question! I think it’s the human connection that will save humanity, so I’ve dug down deep to find the courage to share my human-ness with you.
My posts might make it seem like I have it all together, now. That’s far from true! There have been times where I felt nothing like a warrior. Times when I wanted to give up and hide out in a deep pit. But then I would remember that I’m now a public Possibility Warrior, and so that’s no longer an option. I’ve just had to find a way to drag myself out of my slump so that I can write the next post. Often what I’m sharing with you is what I’m that very moment in the process of using myself to make my way back to the abundant village.
Thank you for holding me accountable! Your public readership holds me to my path of staying out of the dark forest and of sticking to the practices I’m recommending.
It is with this much gratitude and more that I wish you, Happy Thanksgiving!
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