A meditation for the morning before getting out of bed.
Good morning, Monday. Good morning, Julie.
I am starting today by taking a few minutes to remember what a privilege it is to wake up. I am amazed to be alive and experiencing. Today will be filled with new and interesting things, if I choose to notice them. I will keep my eyes and heart open. Thank you for this opportunity.
Today will be full of beauty, if I choose to notice. I will look for it — in the nature around me, in the people I interact with, in the way events unfold. Thank you for this gift.
Today I will interact with people who are all in my life to teach me. I will remember not to judge or take things personally. Instead I will observe to learn about myself and others. What brings me joy? What brings others joy? What triggers me? What meaning am I making? Thank you for these life lessons.
Today is about love, joy, patience, and peace. So today, as I find myself straying from these things, I will gently bring myself back to love, joy, patience, and peace. Thank you for these gifts.
Okay, let’s put on some dance music and do this day!